Aditi Udhav Patil
XII com E
Roller skating
First place in road race at DSO
Second place in rink race at DSO

Sneha Jain
XI com D
Throwball second place in DSO (team)
Karate (kumite) – first place in DSO
Karate (kumite and kata) – first place in international tournament (indo –srilankan) held in Mulund
Karate (kumite) –first place and karate (kata)- second place – at CSM chasakjr Maharashtra state karate championship

Vaishnavi Nirmale
XII com A
District suburban Mumbai championship – gold
State level Nasik championship – gold
Nationals karate budokan championship – gold
Jatin Tiwari
Boxing gold medal at DSO and divisional level , silver medal at state level
Throwball – gold medal at DSO and zonal level ,silver medal at state level , selected for nationals
Second place in Malaysian independent international throwball tournament
First place in indo-srilankan international throwball tournament

XII com D
Bronze in first Bhutan international Olympic
Honouredrefree in Karate association of India
Silver bronze medal in 27th world Funkoshi international
Honouredrefree at TANG-SOO-DO sports association of Maharashtra
Silver bronze medal of Maharashtra karate cup
Gold medal in Maharashtra state open karate championship 2017

Best out of waste
Suyash, Osaid, Sharan SYJC Students bagged first Prize for Best-out-of-Waste- Trishna, organized by Marol Education Academy.

Mstr. Sharan Shetty of XII science scored third prize for T-shirt painting at ’Saarang’held by Sreerangvidyalaya,Thane

Bronze at Tiska cup shotokan national karate championship
Bronze at Rotract club of Thane
First prize for elocution at ‘S ward’
Bronze and best male fight in 60-65kg junior category at T S Shotokan National karate championship
State Level First runner ups throwball team
A team of eleven students won first runner up position at the state level throwball tournament held at Osmanabad, Latur on 29/10/2017